Rules School Podcast

The Legend at Merrill Hills

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Rules School Podcast

Welcome to the Wisconsin State Golf Association Rules School podcast. This series consists of 24 episodes, with each episode focusing on one rule.

Rules School is available on the Web and through Apple PodcastSpotify,and Overcast. Be sure to subscribe, so you do not miss an episode.

Featured Episodes

Rule 1: The Game, Player Conduct and the Rules
Apple Podcast | Spotify

Rule 8: Course Played As It Is Found
Apple Podcast Spotify

Rule 14: Procedures for Ball: Marking, Lifting, and Cleaning; Replacing on Spot; Dropping in Relief Area; Playing from Wrong Place
Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Rule 15: Relief from Loose Impediments and Movable Obstructions
Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Rule 16: Relief from Abnormal Course Conditions
Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Rule 17: Penalty Areas
Apple Podcast | Spotify 

Rule 25: Modifications for Players with Disabilities
Apple Podcast | Spotify 

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Scenic View Country Club

Scenic View Country Club

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